City Ordinances

The City of Tower’s ordinances are municipal laws passed by the City Council that are address the health, public safety, land use, and the general welfare of our citizens.

To view the current Zoning Map, scroll to the bottom of ordinances.

Ord # Topic Notes
 01Regulating Water Systems Controlling and regulating the water system in the City of Tower.
 02Establishing Sewer Use Regulations
 03Establishing a Sewer Service Charge.
 04Regulating Bids and Contracts Regulating the making of bids and letting of contracts for the doing of work or for the furnishing of material or property to the City of Tower.
 05Making of Improvements & Levying Assessments Providing for the making of improvements in the City of Tower prescribing procedure in making such improvements and levying assessments therefore against benefited property.
 06Regulating the Preservation of Peace An ordinance for the preservation of public peace and for the protection of the public welfare and good order in the City of Tower and providing a penalty for a violation thereof.
 07Adopting the Minnesota State Highway Code An ordinance adopting the Minnesota Highway Code and repealing ordinance number 21 or any other ordinance inconsistence herewith.
 08Regulating and Controlling Use of Snowmobiles and ATV's Regulation and control within the corporate limits of the City of Tower.
 09Regulating Public Streets and Alleys An ordinance regulating the use of public streets and alleys in the City of Tower prohibiting the obstruction of streets and alleys and providing a penalty for violation hereof,
 09-ARegulating Public Streets and Alleys Amending Ordinance 9
 10Regulating Use of Firearms Regulation Within the limits of the City of Tower
 11Civil Defense During War Emergencies Providing for civilian defense and for protection and promotion of public safety, health, and welfare in the City of Tower during war emergencies.
 12Fire Protection and Prevention Providing for fire protection and fire prevention in the City of Tower.
 13Regulating the use of streets and to facilitate fire department operations Regulating the use of streets and to facilitate fire department operations in case of fire.
 14Creating City of Tower Tourism Development and Administration Commission An Ordinance creating a commission to be known as the City of Tower Tourism Development and Administration Commission and establishing its powers and duties.
 14-ARelating to public recreation; amends Ord. 50 Relating to the public recreation system of the City of Tower; Amending Ordinance Number 50.
 15Creation of Clerk/Treasurer position Section 2. Section `7, Chapter 3, of City Charter be amended to combine the City Treasurer and City Clerk into one position and be called Clerk- Treasurer. This position to be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council.
 16Regulating Blight and Public Nuisances An ordinance to prevent, reduce, or eliminate blighting factors and public nuisances within the City of Tower and to provide penalties for the violation thereof
 17Regulating Cleaning of Premise and Sanitary Inspections Requiring the cleaning of premises and providing for a sanitary inspection, and establishing a penalty for violation thereof.
 18Regulating Open Burning Prohibiting open burning upon public grounds, regulating open burning and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.
 19Regulating Collection and Disposal of Garbage Regulating collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish
 20Regulating and Controlling Animals Regulating and controlling animals
 20-ARegulating and Controlling Animals An ordinance amending Section 7 of Ordinance 20, Regulating and Controlling Animals
 21Regulating Council Vacancies Defining a vacancy of an elective office and procedures for the city council to fill that vacancy.
 22Prohibiting Phosphorous Containing Fertilizers An ordinance prohibiting phosphorous containing fertilizers.
 24Regulating Sewer Laterals
 30Regulating Interference with Radio Reception Prohibiting the use of apparatus which interferes with radio reception
 31Conveying Electric System to MN Power & Light Conveying to Minnesota Power & Light Co. the electric transmission and distribution system; and granting MP&L the right to construct and maintain an electric distribution system within City of Tower.
 33Authorizing a television signal license to J Mesojedec Granting to Joe Mesojedec a franchise to maintain a television signal service and distribution system within the City of Tower
 35Authorizing construction of electrical transmission & distribution system Granting to Minnesota power the right to construct and maintain an electric distribution and transmission system within the City of Tower, Minnesota.
 39Regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors An ordinance licensing and regulating the sale consumption of intoxicating liquor, repealing inconsistent ordinances, and providing a penalty of violation.
 39-ARegulating the sale of intoxicating liquors An ordinance regulating the control and sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunday in the City of Tower. Amending Section 3 of Ordinance 60B.
 39-BRegulating the control and sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunday Amending Ordinance # 39A An Ordinance regulating the control and sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunday in the City of Tower.
 39-CRegulating the sale of intoxicating liquors Amending Ordinance # 39A and deleting Ordinance 39B
 39-DAmending Ordinances #39, #39A, #40
 40Regulating the sale of non-intoxicating liquors Licensing and regulating the sale of non intoxicating malt liquors within the corporate limits of the City of Tower.
 40-AAmending ordinance #40 Amending Ordinance #40 licensing and regulating the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors
 41Regulating sale of cigarettes Licensing and regulating the retail sale of cigarettes and cigarette wrappers in the City of Tower.
 42Regulating lawful charitable gambling regulating lawful charitable gambling activities, the distribution of funds
 43Regulating sale, possession and use of tobacco Regulating the sale, possession and use of tobacco and tobacco-related devices
 44Regulating lawful gambling Relating to the regulation of lawful gambling and providing for the expenditures of a portion of its net profits.
 47Regulating sliding on City streets Regulating coasting and sliding upon the streets, alleys, and sidewalks i
 48Licensing bicycles Licensing bicycles, regulating their use, and providing a penalty for violation thereof.
 49Curfew hours for children under 18. Prohibiting children under the age of 18 years from being in or upon the streets, alleys, or public places within the City of Tower during the designated
 50Regulating the Sale of Synthetic Drugs Ordinance unavailable on web
 55Procedure for vacation of streets and alleys ordinance describing the procedure to be used in the vacation and discontinuation of streets, alleys, and other highways in the City of Tower.
 55-BVacation of part of Birch Street Ordinance to provide for the vacation of that part of birch street which lies between the southerly line of N 3rd Stand the northerly line of N 2nd Stetow
 55-CVacation of alley in block 18 Vacation of all of the alley in Block 18 in the City of Tower
 56Possession and disposal of unclaimed property Possession and disposal of unclaimed property in the possession of the City of Tower.
 57Regulating public dances Regulating and licensing public dances within the City of Tower, defining public dance places and public dances; and repealing Ordinance Number 24 and Ordinance Number 24A.
 58Regulating gas pumps/tanks on public land An ordinance to prevent the erection and maintenance of gasoline or oil pumps or tanks upon public grounds or highways.
 59Regulating transient merchants and solicitors Regulating and licensing transient merchants, hawkers, peddlers, and solicitors.
 59-AAmending ordinance #59 transient merchants amending an ordinance 59 entitled "An ordinance regulating the licensing of transient merchants, hawkers, peddlers, and solicitors."
 60Regulating snow removal Regulating the removal of snow from the sidewalks within the City of Tower.
 60-AAmending ordinance # 60 sec 1/4 deleting snow clearing on S 2nd St sidewalks An ordinance amending ordinance #60 section one and deleting section four on north and south sidewalks on 2nd St S.
 61-ARearrangement and codification of ordinance numbers Ordinance allowing for the rearrangement and codification of the present ordinances.
 62Establishing a lodging tax within the City of Tower Establishing a lodging tax within the City of Tower (In accordance with Minnesota State Statute 469.190)
 71Creation of Vermilion Landfill Authority providing for the creation of the Vermilion Landfill Authority by the Cities of Ely, Tower, Babbitt, and Winton: The Towns of Kugler, Morse, Wassa, Embarrass, Breitung, and Vermilion Lake: and by the County of Saint Louis on behalf of itself, and insofar as it can, on behalf of additional unorganized townships:
 72-CCreating a municipal forest board Creating a municipal forest board to administer municipal forest lands donated to or otherwise acquired by the City of Tower, and providing for operation of such board.
 73Creating a tree commission regulating plantings Regulating the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees, shrubs, and other plants; and creating a tree commission.
 74Regulating the leasing of City lakeside property for the construction of boathouses Regulating the leasing of City lakeside property for the construction of boathouses
 76Tower Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance Tower Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance Created by the City of Tower and Saint Louis County Joint Airport Zoning Board
 77Extending the Corporate City Limits ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of Tower to include certain unincorporated property owned by and abutting upon the limits of the City
 77-AAmending ordinance #77 (formerly 61) to extend to extend corporate limits Amending ordinance #77 to extend to extend corporate limits (Formerly Ordinances 61/61A)
 78extending the corporate limits of the City of Tower An extending the corporate limits of the City of Tower - Annexation
 79Implementing Wetland Conservation Act Implementing the wetland conservation act of 1991, (Minnesota Laws 1991, Chapter 354, as amended), and the accompanying rules of the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420, as amended)
 80Regulating shoreland zoning Regulates the full array of zoning and subdivision planning of shore land management.
 80-ARegulating shoreland zoning Ordinance amending Shore Land Ordinance Number 80 for establishing uniform width dimensions, as required by state statutes, for all residential structure within any zoning district
 80-BRegulating shoreland zoning Ordinance amending Shore Land Ordinance #80 for design criteria for structures
 81Extending the corporate limits Extending the corporate limits of the city of tower to include certain unincorporated property owned by and abutting upon the city limits
 82Zoning regulations Establishing comprehensive zoning regulations for the City of Tower (additional regulations apply to shorelands within the City - See Ordinance #80 Shorelands and Ordinance #76 Tower Municipal Airport)
 82-ARegulating a driveway approach regulating a driveway approach to a private residence and/or abutting properties, a business or other commercial enterprise that provides egress or ingress from a public right-of-way in the City of Tower including shore lands, the City airport and any future developed areas
 82-BAmending Ordinance #82, garages Regulating the placement of garages
 82-CAmending ordinance #82 non conforming uses Ordinance deleting Article XIV Non Conforming Uses of Ordinance #82 and superseding it with revised Article XIV Non Conforming Uses and Structures
 82-DAmending ordinance #82 setback from side streets Amending Ordinance #80 Article VI Section 6.05 Schematic Chart - 1. To include dwellings/structures set back of fifteen (15) feet from side streets.
 82-EAmending #82 for establishing uniform width dimensions for residential structures Amending Zoning Ordinance #82 for establishing uniform width dimensions, as required by State Statutes, for all residential structures in any zoning district within a city
 82-GAmending 82-F Regulating height of garages Regulating the height of a garage in any residential district, amending 82-F (vacated)
 82-HAmending Ordinance #82, apartment floor level Amending Ordinance #82, Apartments permitted in all floor levels excepting Main Street level. Street level space must be use for businesses only
 82-IReplacing Ordinance 82-G, Height of garage Replacing 82-G, amended to include the height of a garage in any residential district
 82-KAmending Ordinance 82, property survey Permits that are encroaching on setback or property line must be professionally surveyed
 82-LAmending Ordinance 82, Garage and Storage Buildings Ordinance replacing 80-B and amending Ordinance 82 and 80 to refer to 82-B for garages as well as superseding any previous conflicting ordinances
 82-MAmending Ordinance 82, Board of Adjustments Amending Ordinance 82, Establishing the P&Z Commission as the Board of Adjustment if no specific Board of Adjustment exists
 82-NAmending Ordinance 82, Article XIV An ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance 82, Article XIV City of Tower, Tower Harbor Renaissance (THR) Zoning District Requirements
 82-OShort Term Rentals An ordinance establishing short term rental standards
 83Regulating subdivisions To provide for orderly economic and safe development of land and urban services and facilities and to assure equitable handling of all subdivision plats.
 84Extending the City Limits Annexing land located in the Township of Kugler, Saint Louis County, Minnesota, and the Township of Breitung
 85Annexing land located in the township of Kugler,
 86Creation of the Tower Airport Commission Creation of airport commission advisory to the City Council
 88Regulating nonessential water usage Establishing water conservation restrictions at any time the governor declares a critical water deficiency
 89An Ordinance Establishing Park Regulations An ordinance establishing baseline expectations and accountabilities for the management, operation, and occupancy of any Park within the jurisdiction of the City of Tower.
 90Keeping of Chickens An ordinance allowing for the keeping of chickens within the City limits.
 91Establishing Tower Housing Trust Fund An ordinance establishing the Tower Housing Trust Fund.
 Zoning MapZoning Map shows current Zoning Districts of City of Tower





602 Main Street, Tower, MN 55790

PO Box 576, Tower, MN 55790

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm

Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm