City Clerk/Treasurer

The City Clerk/Treasurer is the chief appointed administrator of the City of Tower. The Clerk/Treasurer’s key duties and responsibilities include:

Additionally, the Clerk/Treasurer is the chief purchasing agent and contracting officer of the City.  Questions about the administration of City affairs can be directed to this office.

Tower City Hall is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM & Friday from 8:00 AM until 12:00 noon.

 Permits & Licenses

 Reports & Documents

03/03/2025  Application- Activities Affecting Water Resources (Wetland Conservation Act)

 Bids & RFPs

 Reports & Documents

12/01/2020  Request for Proposal: Aviation Engineer

 Agreements & Leases

Fees for City leases, utilities, permits, licenses, and other services are established annually by the City council.

 Reports & Documents

06/27/2022  July 4 Activities
09/13/2021  Lease, Historic Depot to TSHS
08/31/2021  IRRR Grant Agreement, Development Infrastructure
05/10/2021  Agreement, Aladtec 2021
04/26/2021  Agreement, SEH 2021 RE Airport PAPI Lights
04/12/2021  Agreement, Becher Hoppe, RE Airport IFE Master Plan

 Fee Schedule

Fees for City leases, utilities, permits, licenses, and other services are established annually by the City council.

 Reports & Documents

01/01/2019  Leases, Licenses, Rates, & Permit Fee Schedule 2019

 Public Data Request

The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA), Minn. Stat. § 13, is a state law that controls how government data are collected, created, stored, used and released. The MGDPA sets out certain requirements relating to the right of the public to access government data and the rights of individuals who are the subjects of government data. The actual text of Minn. Stat. § 13, and Minn. R. 1205, the Rules Governing Data Practices as promulgated by the Minnesota Department of Administration.

How to make a data request:

Written requests should be directed to:
City Clerk Michael Schultz
City of Tower
PO Box 576
Tower, MN 55790.





602 Main Street, Tower, MN 55790

PO Box 576, Tower, MN 55790

Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm

Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm